Weekly Services

It’s our desire that upon visiting Mt Vernon Baptist Church you will find a friendly, loving congregation of believers that join together to grow, serve and worship the Lord. Our service times are listed below:

Sunday School: 10:00am

Our main goal as Christians is to share the gospel to a lost and dying world. Sunday School helps us achieve that goal through the nurturing of its people by the study of God’s word. Classes for all ages are available Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

Sunday Worship: 11:00am

Sunday Evening Service: 6:00pm

Nursery is provided during all services.

Children’s Church:

During Sunday morning worship, Children’s Church is provided for all children between the ages of 3 – 8 as a worship experience that is designed for their age group.

Wednesday Evening Services:

Dinner in Fellowship Building at 6:00pm

Prayer Meeting 7:00pm

Children classes are available during service.